Monday, June 30, 2014


JULY 1, 2014


       Good day, Mr. President! I hope you are in good mood today. It's my first time to express my thoughts in a formal way. I just want to shout out my deepest gratitude for your leadership in our country land. Keep it up, mister. Please continue maintaining the good will that we are currently breathing as of now. Make our constitution beautiful, and as a model to every country that are over in to us.
        PLEASE, Mr. Pres, focus to the people who are suffering from DEEP poverty. Alleviate them from this kind of darkness, and not to focus only on political stuff. Because some of them can't attain any chapter of their education. With this matter, I hope you can find some solutions so that we can achieve the progress part. With the help of your hands, I also hope you can find solution to the Tacloban dilema.
        Thank you, sir.