Tuesday, December 30, 2014

CHANGING ATMOSPHERE: Really bad atmosphere

    We are people who can witness what the world is doing obviously. We can see and even feel that there’s a change in every move. There’s a hard pound that sets as the main cause why the climate is changing. But there’s that growing awareness that it’s our hands who did all those things.

     We do countless goings-on which can sometimes affect the environment. And because of these activities, we can’t even know how much the effect is for every people. We know some things how to put the earth into risk. But we also know some things that can lessen the menace. We cannot deny the fact that the world is experiencing serious problems on natural forces due to numerous activities altering the weather conditions. In our country, we have been facing disastrous phenomena that destroy millions of properties and steal the lives of citizens. And this happens because of our own doings.

 Climate change is usually linked to global warming, which is the abnormal rise of temperature in the earth’s surface.  There are times when we’re experiencing extremely hot weather and drought. This greatly affects our biosphere, making the soil unhealthy for plants and causing several illnesses to both humans and animals. In the contrast, we are suddenly hit by strong typhoons, tornadoes, tsunamis, and other dreadful calamities that leave us in great misery.
 We are the ones who are greatly affected by the continuous threats of nature; hence, we should be the ones who will make ways to prevent it. The Earth is our only home—don’t wait for the time it will be completely ruined and unable to support life efficiently. The only way we can lessen or prevent the effects climate change totally is to finally realize our mistakes and start doing things to stop or undo them.


Monday, December 15, 2014

Outpouring Hearts and Minds Through Literacy and English Proficiency

English language is globally spoken and is one of the easiest semantics that can communicate from people to other people locally and internationally. It is an influential language in which, of course, many people are trying to understand the real quintessence. It is somewhat the hardest thing to learn because some people can’t totally speak English fluently.

     The world is not an English chatterer.

     People wanted to know English. People wanted to know more English. And people can’t just stay out of not knowing English. For every minute in school, we definitely use English language as a main medium. We also have English subject. There, we can learn some English purposes and stuff.

     Yes. It’s really the hardest thing to learn. But all things start in us. All things must be learned by us. We maybe odd enough to sharpen our guts but our neck can just easily break. We need to embrace English language. All in all, it starts in our hearts and minds. They speak intensively for us to feel and think the future. To let us know that we are already stepping the fine line between learning and reaching.

     This must be enhanced as well.

Equal Rights, Equal Opportunity

                               This modern generation reflects some depictions which probably, or absolutely caused by many revelations or some influences. Everyone has the right to express insights. If discrimination continuously cures idle people, then the world will be that total dangling of many disregards. To say, we have no rights to let people down from their bridges. They are about to tell no good to people who are definitely not into accusing human rights.
 Not because we’re living in a democratic country, we just let individual enjoy the delectable liberty.  We have to think that there’s this grace of equality in every move we make. We need to think about the people who always taste the bitter taste of flow. If we have even responsibilities, then we don’t need to regenerate the fact that we are stepping on people.
          “Every individual is unique.” This is one of the people’s mantras who are aware of the situation. Yes, of course. This is because we are born to be never perfect. We don’t even know the sides of people that surrounds us. If we wanted to be treated well, then we need to treat people evenly. Calmly. Steadily.
          Sometimes, it’s a mere fact that we can’t let ourselves to be away from temptations and acumens. That’s the play of life. We need to put in minds that there’s an equal rights and equal opportunity of humanity.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

LEVEL 2! Hash#Tags

             We have almost consumed the first half of the school year yet we still have a lot of things to go through. Second grading period was a tough one: we encountered a variety of things, from newly introduced lessons to mind-blowing problems.
                In my own perception, I improved a little this quarter. Take note: a little. This is just a proof that ‘the first time is always the hardest.’ On the other hand, ICT has been training us to become future HTML programmers. But of course, always start with the basics.

                Honestly, nothing has changed. It’s always a routine of everyone to open computers, make blogs, and do the exercises. It’s an all-consuming experience for everyone! Experience for students who also feel contradictory. But did you know that it's the most loved subject of SOME students, eh? It's computer-related, of course. You can write down your thoughts through blogs, and even type codes with a purposeful axiom.

               Now that the second judgment day is at arm’s length, I hope that we’ll receive a good grade. I’ll continue doing my best and try to keep up with the pace until the end of this school year. (char XD) #TAGS #html

SPORTS: Fun For All, All For Fun

(photo not mine)
Leading activities in the campus aim to groom the thinking skills and surge the stored ability of the students. Good to know, another commotion targets wellness and draw affiliation with physical fitness. This activity doesn’t accommodate only to those students with massive bodies. It is for everyone, and for sure, it is for everyone’s participation.
            Sports is never an addiction to some students, maybe because it’s a tiresome activity. Nah. But for some, it is an obsession that needs full focus and attention. Prior to this, it is the increasing promotion of Intramurals for people to embrace and know the real objection. The purpose of the intramural sports program is to provide opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to actively engage in activities involving sport, recreation, and play while providing structure for an experiential education. 
  •             To provide opportunities to actively engage in programs and activities promoting an enhanced quality of life.
As stated earlier, it targets wellness and physically fit people through the road of activities on sports.
  • To provide opportunities for personal development through leadership, diversity, and teamwork.
A great way to be active and become actively involved in a variety of organized sports. Meet friends. Stress reliever (and even increaser XD)
  • To provide a forum for an experiential education for students, faculty, and staff.
It is a paramount for social interaction and a true spirit for education. Although it’s no easy task to encourage everyone, do remember: “Without your opponent you have no game, no contest and no fun. You are indebted to your opponent as they are indebted to you. The spirit of play is based on cooperation. Upholding high standards of integrity and fair play acknowledge this idea of cooperative competition”


My Teacher, My Hero

(photo not mine)
Countless people seized the exceptional opportunity to compete and devastate the misery of our nation back before then. This situation made them as crowned heroes of their own. But let me consider that the four-cornered room of knowledge is a battlefield of major perceptions with an educator as a hero. These people never get tired of standing in front of the class, doing this for how many years. They never get worn-out of absorbing new facts, new lessons, and imparting knowledge to eager students who are hungry for quality education.

They were heroes who dress comfortably in formal suits. Heroes that can handle difficult matters to deal with. Heroes that can acquire moral, social, emotional and educational aspects just to mold youngsters of this modern era. Heroes that can sacrifice bags of sweat and not bloodstains. I can quite decipher their hidden fortes why they became my lifelong warriors. I have realized that they have an absurd way of teaching rights and wrongs with no BUTs and no WHYs.

I adore them, especially their sublime sacrifices. They teach students a lot, help them survive from daily evaluations. They were the ones who helped individuals embrace the world pf reading and writing. They have several powers we don’t actually know. Have you observed those people who are on top of their careers? They thanked the teachers from accompanying their journey of victory.
Who says that teachers are no fun? Well, I’ll prove you wrong. Majority of them can get along well with the students. They tend to crack jokes in the middle of a very serious discussion either to refrain the students from dozing off or to relieve the tension. Young and old, they are never left out with the latest trend. Teachers are not just witty– they also stand out in different fields of performing arts, showcasing their talents during programs and competitions. These are just some of the reasons why I could say that teachers aren’t plaint boring and strict.
 All in all, teachers shape our future. They’re the ones building the bridge across success. Without them, we are nothing but a lonely wanderer. People need them as much as breathing. Go ahead, be a teacher and you’ll find yourself holding not just a piece of chalk but also the future of the youth.