Saturday, October 18, 2014

LEVEL 2! Hash#Tags

             We have almost consumed the first half of the school year yet we still have a lot of things to go through. Second grading period was a tough one: we encountered a variety of things, from newly introduced lessons to mind-blowing problems.
                In my own perception, I improved a little this quarter. Take note: a little. This is just a proof that ‘the first time is always the hardest.’ On the other hand, ICT has been training us to become future HTML programmers. But of course, always start with the basics.

                Honestly, nothing has changed. It’s always a routine of everyone to open computers, make blogs, and do the exercises. It’s an all-consuming experience for everyone! Experience for students who also feel contradictory. But did you know that it's the most loved subject of SOME students, eh? It's computer-related, of course. You can write down your thoughts through blogs, and even type codes with a purposeful axiom.

               Now that the second judgment day is at arm’s length, I hope that we’ll receive a good grade. I’ll continue doing my best and try to keep up with the pace until the end of this school year. (char XD) #TAGS #html

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