Saturday, August 16, 2014

      Air-conditioned room. Well-ventilated area. Who could ever reject this kind of class? It's ICT.
     I've fed my mind with discoveries and learning about ICT from the recent grading period. Since I've been using some blogging sites for 3 years, I have improved and increased my knowledge and applied it. Learning also some different search engines helped me nourish what I knew before.
   In learning some sort of topics, I encountered difficulties: Somewhat evaluating my drafts to improve it. Even though I have a background knowledge about blogs, I still seek help from my classmate so that I know what to do. The topics are quite easy yet, it's hard to put into mind. But I tried my very best.
    For the next grading period, I have planned some other things to cope up the next set of problem. Simple sage: improve. Meditate. Hit the mark.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Reaction Of SONA

     Though he has 58 rounds of applause, that fifth SONA that was conducted last July 28 is quite appreciative because of what Mr. President stated.

     He started his address about the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP). But this was said unconstitutional because he never mentioned about PDAF which was more controversial.

     PNOY also stated about how he benefited the 22000 students of TESDA, picking some millions on his DAP fund to supply the needs of those students.

     He also mentioned that Filipinos are definitely worth fighting for. I agree from his deeds, because it's PNoy's responsibility. As he critiqued and enumerate his achievements of his administration, he also includes the good performance under economic problems and the increase budget of infrastructures.

    At the end of his speech, he attributed and acknowledged the religious leaders, local government heads who have contributed to the local governance.

     This year's SONA is quite simple because of the appeal of his emotions he cherished. It caught many of the listeners. Even though he skipped the Freedom of Information bill, which was a big promise, he should critique it again and make it as a priority.


       It is said that Philippines is one of the listed countries agonizing from poverty and starvation because of lack of governance and too much restrictions. As we can observe until now, the issue of this growing into its publicity. Many people are carrying that bottom-to-apex of the mountain because of insufficiency of jobs that leads through scarcity and poverty. The shortage of food supplies is also the reason why people voice out malnutrition. But this isn't people's choice. It isn't what people opted to be.

     The growing awareness of increasing population leads through the surging percentage of starvation and calamities that we are going to suffer. We cannot control the atmosphere's ruling but we need to have to do something. 

     Governments must be on their full focus to people who are less fortunate  and the ones who can't experience handling a silver plate. Because they are the ones who are suffering from deep poverty and many of them are malnourished because of lack of assurance in their environment. Calamities may come anytime.