Saturday, October 18, 2014


Youngsters and fun-seekers often entertain themselves with cartoons and movies having characters that have supernatural powers. In real life, we admired our national heroes who sacrificed their lives just to save our country from intruders. And as we grow up, that habit cannot be eliminated completely.
Aside from watching movies, these extraordinary people can also be found in bookstores. Teenagers are fond of reading fictional books wherein a protagonist revolves around a world somewhat similar to where we are living right now and a life we can relate to.  Modern-day heroes indeed. But, have you even considered the people who brought life to the creatures you are looking up to?
(disclaimer: photo not mine)
Let me consider that the modern-day heroes also lay on a common border to where we are stepping right now: BOOK AUTHORS. Why? Because what they write inspires whoever will come across their books. Concealed in the pages of their artworks are words of true life itself. Yes, these things are somewhat superficial but they guide the readers how to cope up with the ever-changing world. It seems like the writers are our eyes and ears when we are  blinded by problems and obstacles. With keen observation, a writer records real life situations and adding it with twists and turns to appeal the readers.
Reading novels is never a waste of time.
I realized my real purpose in reading, why I love books so much: It’s not just for pleasure.  I have learned things which I can apply in my life. However, I cannot acquire such knowledge when there are no authors, when there are no writers of inspirational books.
I would just like to end this with a quote I got from The Fault in our Stars by John Green:
“The real heroes anyway aren’t the people noticing things; the real heroes are the people NOTICING things, paying attention.”
Which is so true. The evidence? Look for writers.

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